Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our Wiki Space

This blog is a place to talk about all the exciting things we do in class.

The first thing to talk about is our last unit on SPACE!

Well your teachers want to know Year 4,

What was the best thing about the Space unit?
Was there anything you did not like?
What would you suggest we put in the unit for next year?

Please click on the 'comment' link at the end of this post and let us know. Remember your internet safety rules, only first names please and don't forget to spell check your work (or get someone to help you) before you send your comment.
We are looking forward to hearing from you,

Mrs B & Mrs M!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Claudia says…
I think a good topic would be that there should be air-condition instead of fans.

Anonymous said...

The best part about the unit of space was that you learn’t a lot about different sorts of planets and what each planet is made up of and its atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

I think the best thing about space was........

Anonymous said...

The best thing in space was when we had to do a project & a speech.

Anonymous said...

The worst thing about travelling in colony would be all the droppings that mice have left and the cockroaches definitely the cockroaches they’d drive me bananas! Also having less food that wasn’t even that good .the yucky no good disgusting sicknesses.