This is a great program to download....but ask mum & dad's permission BEFORE you download anything onto your home computer.
This program is the one we used in Technology Class. See if you can make the least expensive bridge..it's not as easy as you think!(Especially if it needs to be structurally sound & able to carry loads!!)
Let us know how you went with the class activity. Was your bridge a success? Did it pass the load test? What did you learn from this activity?
How did everyone go? I know we all had lots of fun building our bridges...but:
Did you have any problems?
Did your bridge pass the load test?
What did you learn from this task?
I did have a problem. Some of my bridges collapsed on me and it wasn’t very helpful (I can tell you that for sure!) Most bridges could pass the load test, but about 1 or 2 didn’t.
What I learnt from this task was don’t just build a bridge because it is pretty, but strong too!
Hi Mrs. M
It depends on wich bridge were talking about. The first one resulted in crashing but I got a bit better at it the second time and it was successful. I guess this tells you practice makes perfect. I learnt it is very hard to make a stable bridge and make it look good. I also learnt practice makes perfect.
I had a few problems. I done about 5 bridges and 3 worked I think I done pretty well for my first time. I learnt how to make a bridge that would hold a truck and that if you do one thing wrong you the whole bridge can come down after all your work.
With my bridge I had allot of PROBLEMS Building and building my bridge again.
No, my bridge did not pass the load test with its strength. From building My Beam Bridge I learned that toilet-rolls can’t carry 2 big pieces of wood like they carry 1 piece of wood.
When I was finished building my bridge I tried it out but it started bending.
My bridge passed the test sometimes and it did break sometimes as well.
I learned that it is very hard to build a bridge and make it stable.
To Mrs. M
I had a little problem with building my bridge because I tried to get the cheapest one but I got the most expensive bridge there.
One of my bridges fell but then the other one just stayed so it sort of passed the load of trucks.
I learnt that I don’t wont to be a bridge maker when I’m older because its really hard trying to make it look pretty and to make it stand up so I learnt some things from the website!!!!!!!
From Natasha
Hi Mrs. Manning
My bridge did not work because when one wheel went on my bridge went down
And did not work.
By Josh
My problems were that my bridge started shaking.
Yes my bridge passed the load test but only by a thread.
I learnt from the site was my bridge cost more than I expected. I also learnt it had to be all connected.
I did have a little bit of problems. Then I got the hang of it and then I passed the test. Then I ended up with a cheap bridge.
I did have 1 problem. My problem was that it never worked.
My bridges never passed the bridge test.
From this task I learnt that it is NOT easy building a bridge. I also learnt that everything has to be connected and it is hard to make it cheap.
my bridge worked
We had some trouble because we never chose a cheap stable bridge
Yes we did pass the load test.
We learn the cheapest bridge isn’t the worst
I learnt a lot of things from our bridge making like how to build a bridge and some parts of a bridge.
I built a cable-stayed bridge and I thought it was a success because it is still standing today.
I did have a problem. the problem was the structure it wouldn’t stand.
No we didn’t pass the load test. We failed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I learnt that I’m not a good builder.
I did have some problems. I had problems that where really bad! My bridge costed a lot of money! 1 of my bridges didn’t pass the load test.
What I learnt was my bridge doesn’t have to look fancy but it has to stand strong!
Dear Mrs manning
My bridge was steady successful bridge it could carry a truck. The biggest challenge was to build a bridge under 233 thousand dollars another challenge was making it very strong to pass the load test. I learnt that building a bridge wasn’t so easy as I thought.
Sup? luke
I did have a problem. Most of the bridges collapsed but the first one or two didn’t.
The first ones past the load test but the others collapsed when the truck was about half way across the bridge.
What I learnt was that building a bridge is not just about building a bridge and hoping that it will stay stable. It is about using the right materials.
Hi I think at first it was hard, but I think doing it a few times really helped.
At first it didn’t pass but then I did it again and it worked.
I leant to make a bridge on a computer a lot of fun so if I go on next time I know I will have fun.
1)Yes I did have problems the problem was we couldn’t get the money to go down.
2)The bridge did not pass the test it cheapest.
3)If you leave a spot it will claps
I did not have a problem of building the bridge it took a while to build it but had no problems building it with Joshua s.
I learnt that building bridges are fun but on your own it takes a bit longer and building it with some one you might have a bit of a fight.
I and Joshua passed the load test by putting little cars and army toys and it stayed standing.
Everyone went good at building their bridges they passed the load test and they loved them.
Yes I had quite a few problems. Really I didn’t get to the test of the bridge it was pretty hard to get it to work.
No! My bridge didn’t pass the test it wasn’t stable enough.
Yes! I leant lots.
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