Thursday, August 2, 2007

This term we have been learning about British Colonisation.

Hasn't it been interesting learning about the journey of the first fleet? Life on the boats sure was difficult.

A few questions to think about 4 red....

What do you think would have been the worst part about travelling as a convict on the First Fleet?

If you were an Indigenous Australian, how would you have felt about the Briitsh setting up a colony where you live?

I can't wait to read your thoughts and them on our blog!
Mrs Button.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Button the worst part is when all the WATER AND VOMIT going EVERWHERE! And you had to sit right beside each other!

By Jesse and Anthony

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Button

The worst thing about being a convict would be sleeping in a cabin with all your vomit and business.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Button Audrey and Jennifer think the worst part about travelling in the first fleet is dark and you had a small area to sleep and you had to travel for 8 months.

Anonymous said...

The worst part would be eating the food and sleeping at night when the puke, sewerage wash around and go in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

I would feel bad on the ship were u are sentenced 4 committing a crime where people do their business. You also are only allowed to have small amount of space.

Anonymous said...

Claudia and Michelle say…

#1 we think the bilge is the worst
Part of the ship because you only
Have a little Bit of room. Also
Because water goes in there and
Other peoples business and vomit
Will get in and mix together.

#2 we think that we would feel really
Annoyed and would feel like getting
Rid of them. But if they are setting
Up a colony we can not get rid of

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Button

I wouldn’t like it.

Anonymous said...

We think it would be disgusting to be in a tiny place with other peoples business and vomit. We wouldn’t like to be a convict on the First Fleet.

Natasha and Emily

Anonymous said...

Natalie and I have just read the eight comments. They are so good some of them were interesting. I definitely wouldn’t want to be on the first fleet or be a convict!

Anonymous said...

Hi 4 RED,

I agree the journey over would have been a terrible experience for the convicts. I dont think I would have liked to share my cabin with a stranger. I wonder if they had a doctor on board to help all the sick people?

Anonymous said...

Hey I’m from 5red and I think that it would be very yuk with people doing their other business. ! YUK!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Button its H.T from 6blue. When I Was in your class learning about British Colonisation I thought the was thing was being on a ship for months and having to put up with the vomit and sewage water washed around you which would have been horrible

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs B
I would hate being on the boat because when I am asleep all the vomit and other business would go into my mouth and that is just disgusting. If I complained then I would get a flogging with the cat'o'nine tails. It would hurt heaps because they would have to wash my cuts with salt water.

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs button, I would hate being on the first fleet because it would take a year or two to get New Holland with icky stuff in the water.

Anonymous said...

By Bianca
I think it would be disgusting in the boat with all the vomit in the boat and all the sewage in the boat and I would be afraid I would die.

Anonymous said...


madeline and I would HATE to be a convict because you might get sea sick.

All that way on a big boat would drive me CRAZY!!!!!!